Dr. Argyro Tsampazi is a Greek dance artist and scholar based in Belfast. She started dance at a young age in the renowned Kafantari School of Dance in Thessaloniki from which she graduated with a BA in Dance Teaching. Argyro as a young professional danced in the Macedonian Ballet Company, Dancetheatre Parousies, and other companies based in Greece. She danced numerous roles from ballet repertoire as well as neoclassical and contemporary pieces. Later on she established her own dance company and school, Chorochoros (DanceSpace) with which she toured extensively in Greece and abroad. During the years that the company was active Argyro produced the work ‘The Art of Ballet’ in collaboration with Ballet Master Yuri Tcvetkov (Vaganova Academy) and choreographed the critically acclaimed contemporary work ‘Askitiki’ based on N. Kazantzakis’ homonymous philosophical writings. She was listed top 3 in multiple national and international competitions and was awarded two scholarships: for the Ballet Dance Open in St. Petersburg, Russia, and for John Moore's University in Liverpool, UK. Her choreographic work has been showcased in festivals and dance events in Greece, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, and the UK. She has received support from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Dance Resource Base, Dance Ireland, and Shawbrook Dance Residential.

Argyro holds a BA in Theology from Aristotle's University in Greece and an MA in Choreography from Fonty's University in the Netherlands. She also holds a PhD in Dance from Queen's University Belfast, which investigated the effects of the application of Orthodox ascetic practices to choreographic processes and dance performance. She has presented work at numerous academic conferences and is a member of the Postsecular Performances Network funded by the German Research Council. She worked as a research assistant in the dance research project ‘Sites of Significance’ (2023) under Professor Aoife McGrath (QUB) and Dr Victoria Durrer (UCD) and is currently working as a project assistant in the dance research project ‘Dance Connects’ under the same leadership. Other roles include working as an artistic assessor for the Arts Council of Northern Ireland (2017-2019) and Dance Expert for the European Commission (2024).

Alongside her dance and research career, Argyro has worked as a dance educator in Greece and Northern Ireland for almost twenty years, and many of her students are now dance professionals working internationally. She held the role of Ballet Lecturer in Ulster University’s Dance Department between 2016 and 2018. She is currently choreographing and staging for High Points Youth Ballet’s productions, teaching Vaganova-based ballet classes, and has enriched the dance education offered in HPYB by developing a programme of contemporary dance including Limon and Safety Release technique, site-specific work, dance for camera, choreographic workshops, and movement improvisation. Her contemporary choreography ‘Initiation’ was listed in the top 12 in the Youth America Grand Prix competition in Paris and the team was invited to perform in the finals of YAGP in New York in spring 2024.